Friday 31 August 2012

After a shocking day, all you need is Dr Brandt

I think the title of this post says it all really. I've had a terrible day and all I want to do is make myself feel better. I'm not a big drink to relax type of person or am I someone who finds it easy to wind down after a stressful day, so surprise surprise I do turn to external cosmetics to help me feel better. One of my favourite treatments By Dr Brandt is aways a solid first choice to rinse the stress away, the Detoxygen Experience is such a breath of fresh air for your skin.

If you are unfamiliar with Dr Brandt products then more fool you, he mimics his in-office treatments in his ranges (you will be seeing a lot more of these in the near future on this page) The Detoxygen Experience is a two part buy, first you start with the oxygenating facial in the black top dispenser and then follow with step two, the detoxifying creme concentrate. 

First you dampen your face with warm water, then pump the dispenser till you get enough to cover your whole face in the cream. Just a thin layer is needed and if you over load your face you will know about it very quickly! As I first found out when I used it! The cream actually oxygenates on your skin and your face will feel quite tickly as the the cream turns to a bubbly, foamy texture.  When you put too much on the bubbles start to gather in your eyebrows and up your nose, and it makes your partner look at you like your mental. 

As you can see ^^^ 

Rinse off after about 5 minutes and then pat dry and massage the second stage detoxifying creme concentrate into your fresh face! 

Apart from your skin feeling noticeably smooth and silky, i really think that after the first time of using this product my skin looked clearer. I have been suffering from break outs recently, which for me is unheard of as iv always had skin as dry as a desert and i feel this treatment has played a large part in helping me keep my skin pristine. 

I definitely think the hyaluronic acid in the product has played a part in helping keep my skin stay hydrated and even toned while suffering from breakouts and it doubles as a fantastic treatment that increases the luminosity in your skin as it has a protective shield to stop the nasties of everyday life, like pollution from causing damage to the skin. 

Sorry to go on, but there is one more very important aspect to this facial.... it contains detoxifying molecules that search out the nasties in your skin and neutralizes the toxins that cause your skin to stress . MAGIC :-) 

You can buy this at any Space NK and its a pretty good price of £64. 
Gasp, you say thats a lot. 
Its a lot when you first take in the price, but like most high tech products you pay for quality and if you want to treat your skin the same way you would your body (paying for the gym to fit into a size 8, fake tan, nails, hair dye) then whats the difference between shelling out for that then a product that makes you feel and look good? I wouldnt think twice if i had the money to spend £50 on a pair of shoes so why is skincare considered so much more vain and self indulgent?! what a funny world we live in. 

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